

Heather H. 
For any of you that might be on the fence about this, might I give my opinion.  I have spent a lot of money and time sending my kids to different seminars and leadership experiences. Youth for Liberty camp is by far my favorite and is now the only one I will pay for. I think the quality of the classes far exceeds any others they have been to and because it is small, it is personal. I would strongly recommend sending your kids if you are at all interested in these kinds of experiences.

This is the only one of the camps/classes/retreats/seminars my kids have been to where the knowledge they learned is brought up in every day conversation even two years after the fact. Rachel often mentions something like "I learned that at Youth for Liberty Camp."  This will be her third year.
Audrey F.
I recommend this camp. It is of the highest quality both in terms of the people involved, the structure and organization, and the curricula. I will genuinely endorse it as a truly joyful educational experience. It has a spirit of educating young people on what correct principles made America great. I could FEEL the incredible energy and vibrancy emanating from the children who were alive and alight with truth.
This camp fills the campers with history they never knew and concepts they never considered before. The campers come away full of common sense nourishment, that strangely, many have never been taught. (And my children came to this camp well versed in American history.)  
I just can’t speak highly enough of this camp. Over and over again I keep thinking: 
1) Supporting this camp is the best use of my time. 
2) This is the best use of my money. 
3) This is exactly what I want to be involved in. 
4) This is right on target with what I want for my family.