Registration Form

Copy the form below, fill it out and email it to


Print out the form below, fill it out and mail it to Jamie Durfee
                                                                               11892 N. HWY 34
                                                                               Preston, ID 83263

Payment is due at the time of registration, with $100 held as a non-refundable deposit. Please send a check made out to Youth for Liberty Camp with the registration form or use the Paypal feature on our website.

Cost: $225 before May 1st, 2013
$250 after May 1st
$10 off for each additional child in family after May 1st
Includes lodging, materials and all meals from
Monday dinner through Thursday dinner.
Final registration due July 1st, 2013

Youth for Liberty Camp
 August 5-8, 2013

Name _______________________________________  Birthdate ____________________________

Address ________________________________________________________________________

Participants’ parent or guardian _________________________________________________________

Home telephone number _________________________Work _________________________
Cell phone number(s) ___________________________    ____________________________

T-shirt size ________

Medical information:
Does the participant have any of the following:

 ________ Special diet                                                 ________Allergies

 ________Medication                                                  ________Chronic/recurring illness

  ________Surgery or serious illness in the past year  ________Physical conditions that limit activity

If yes, explain below.  Use back if more space is needed.


Insurance information:

Insurance company: ______________________________________________________________

Group number _______________________________ Policy number _________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________

Telephone number: _______________________________________________________________

I give consent for YFL to use pictures of camp, which may include my child, for publicity purposes. I give permission for my child to participate in the Youth For Liberty Camp and authorize the agents and administrators of the camp to administer emergency treatment to the above-named participants for any accident or illness and to act in my stead in approving necessary medical care.  This authorization shall cover the travel to and from the activity, if applicable. I will not hold Youth for Liberty Camp or its agents responsible for accident, injury, or illness.

Parent or guardian signature __________________________________

Date _____________________