Doug is the assistant camp cook, and
loves to come to camp and meet the wonderful young men and women who are so
passionate about learning these principles.
Jamie is a co-founder of Youth for
Liberty Camp. She is an avid reader, and hosts a blog called "Book Attack".
She feels strongly that the way to retain our freedoms is to educate ourselves
and our youth. They are the leaders of tomorrow.
Jenny is a co-founder of the camp.
She is also the treasurer and director of the camp's business side.

Jared received a bachelor’s of
science from Utah State University in Civil Engineering and is a self-employed
professional engineer and contractor. He is an elected committeeman in his
local political party in order to be active in local government, and believes
like George Washington that the powerful two party system encourages people to
be more loyal to their party than to their country. He has a lifelong love of
reading and study. Right now his focus of study is historical political
compromise, Jared is our camp cook. Jenny is a full-time homeschool mom of
children ages 15 years to 6 months.
Carol is the PR director of the camp,
helping campers feel comfortable and is in charge of communicating with

Mark has been a small business owner and entrepreneur, and is now working in the oil field. Mark has a keen interest in our government and stays apprised of current events. He has strong convictions about the role that God played in influencing our Founding Fathers in the writing of our country's Constitution. He has recently studied "The Majesty of God's Law," a description of how God set up law in the time of Moses and the influence that that had on our Founding Fathers when they set up our government.
Carol homeschools their one child left at home and enjoys making pure homemade soaps and lotion, sewing, and reading. She also loves teaching truth to children and seeing the light of understanding in their faces. She believes one of the many important things children need to understand is the proper role of government and the necessity of staying true to the principles laid down in our Constitution. She loves going to Youth for Liberty camp and seeing America's bright hope for the future.
Adam is the director of the educational side of the camp. He organizes the class schedule and finds teachers to promote our values.

Adam is attending Utah State
University where he is a junior studying political theory and philosophy. He is
an Artilleryman in the Utah Army National Guard and participates in USU’s ROTC
program where he is contracted to commission as an officer in May 2014. He is a
member of the political honors society Pi Sigma Alpha and is on track to
graduate with Departmental Honors. Adam enjoys hiking and camping and playing
on USU’s Men’s Rugby Team where he plays as the left flanker. Adam loves
American history and political philosophers like Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton,
John Locke, Montesquieu, Hobbs, Plato, Aristotle and Machiavelli.
Aurora is an alum of USU. She
graduated with both University and Departmental honors with a BA in History.
She obtained minors in Latin, Ancient Greek, Folklore and a certificate in
Museum Studies. Aurora has worked for the USU Museum of Anthropology for the
past four years, is an avid reader and has too many favorite books to list, and
likes to make and wear her own jewelry. She enjoys the outdoors and loves to
take her daughter on evening walks. Aurora believes that a sound understanding
of history is necessary to avoid repeating it.
Cuyler is the director of the activities of the camp. The games and crafts are planned and run under his direction with the help of his activities committee.

Cuyler has always enjoyed history,
and has found great satisfaction in learning and understanding the principles
this great Nation was founded upon. Samuel Adams is one of Cuyler's favorite
founders and finds great wisdom in this quote:
"If ye love wealth better than
liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating
contest of freedom, go home from us
in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms.
Crouch down and lick the hands which
feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you,
and may posterity forget that ye
were our countrymen."
-Samuel Adams, 1776
Cuyler is currently taking classes on-line towards a bachelor’s
degree in criminal justice with a minor in psychology. Cuyler hopes to then
transition into a Master’s program, with a master in psychology. Cuyler has
been a police officer for 8 years, and has three years in the UT National
Guard. Cuyler believes strongly in personal responsibility and accountability.
He enjoys working with the youth and believes their potential is limitless.